Hebei Mountain Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Upper Merion Township Implements Second Phase of Single-Use Plastic Ban


By David Chang and Deanna Durante • Published July 1, 2024 • Updated on July 1, 2024 at 6:04 pm

Upper Merion Township, Pennsylvania, has advanced to the second phase of its initiative to eliminate single-use plastic products. As of Monday, July 1, 2024, customers will no longer find plastic forks or spoons at local restaurants.

This change stems from an ordinance adopted by the Upper Merion Township Board of Supervisors on July 13, 2023, which amended the township's code to regulate the use of single-use plastics. The first phase, effective January 1, 2024, prohibited single-use carry-out plastic bags, plastic straws, and expanded polystyrene food service items.

Township officials emphasize that this ordinance aims to reduce environmental waste. Additionally, businesses can charge 10 cents for reusable bags to offset rising costs. Violations of the ordinance will result in a warning for the first offense, followed by fines of $50, $100, and $250 for subsequent violations.

Tony Capone, owner of Angelo’s Pizza in King of Prussia, expressed his frustration with the ban but complied by stocking paper containers and straws. He highlighted the financial strain on small businesses, contrasting it with larger establishments.

Debbie Biddle, a customer at Screwballs bar, criticized the rule, arguing that many products are still packaged in plastic, which burdens consumers.

In contrast, Connecticut residents Christopher and Christina Cook, traveling through the area, noted that their state has long banned plastic bags, so the adjustment wasn't difficult. However, they found the ban on plastic utensils inconvenient for travelers.

Other patrons at the King of Prussia Service Plaza supported the ordinance, recognizing its environmental benefits. Upper Merion Township is providing free reusable shopping bags at the township building, which include a QR code linking to detailed information on the plastic ordinance.

Upper Merion joins twelve states and over 500 cities nationwide in banning single-use plastic bags, a movement praised for reducing litter and pollution according to Environment America.

For more information, visit the Upper Merion Township building or the official township website.

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