Hebei Mountain Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

New Zealand Implements Ban on Single-Use Plastics, Including Bags, Cutlery, and Straws


Recently, according to Xinhua News Agency, the New Zealand government announced a ban on the provision and sale of single-use plastic food bags, single-use plastic cutlery, and plastic straws in supermarkets and stores, effective from July 1st this year. Violators of the ban could face fines of up to NZD 100,000 (approximately CNY 452,000).

This ban on single-use plastics is part of New Zealand's ongoing efforts to reduce plastic waste, following the ban on single-use plastic bags implemented in October last year.

This marks the third phase of New Zealand's phased approach to limiting single-use plastics and makes New Zealand the first country to include single-use plastic food bags in the ban.

The "phasing out of single-use plastics" plan

The regulations for limiting single-use plastics were announced in 2018 and officially implemented on July 1, 2019. The New Zealand government has pledged to eliminate problematic plastics by 2025.

In 2019, New Zealand implemented the first phase of the plastic limitation plan, which banned stores from providing or selling single-use plastic shopping bags to customers.

The regulations apply to all businesses selling goods in New Zealand, including sales to consumers, business-to-business transactions, and online purchases.

The regulations apply to plastic shopping bags with handles that are less than 70 microns thick. However, bags without handles, such as freezer bags and garbage bags, are exempt.

The impact of New Zealand's plastic limitation measures has been significant. David Parker, New Zealand's Minister for the Environment, stated that after the elimination of single-use plastic bags in 2019, over one billion fewer plastic bags ended up in landfills or the ocean.

In 2022, New Zealand implemented the second phase of the plastic limitation plan, with the "2022 Plastic and Related Products Regulations" (Part 1) coming into effect on October 1st. This phase banned the sale and production of certain single-use and difficult-to-recycle plastic products.

The latest ban is an upgrade of last year's measures and includes single-use plastic food bags, single-use plastic straws, and single-use plastic cutlery, including plates and utensils.

Additionally, plastic product labeling will gradually be phased out.

Local residents' compliance with the new policy

The New Zealand government stated that, on average, each New Zealander produces 60 kilograms of plastic waste per year, and only 5% of soft plastics in New Zealand can be recycled.

According to Mr. Wang, a local resident, the upgraded plastic limitation measures have had little impact on daily shopping. Paper bags are readily available, and people have quickly adapted to the new policy.

"I bring two large cardboard boxes when shopping, and I put the groceries in the boxes. The boxes are always kept in the trunk of the car and can be reused, which is very convenient," said Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang also mentioned that in New Zealand, plastic cutlery and straws have already been completely banned, with paper alternatives being used instead.

The government has allowed special groups, such as patients, to use plastic straws, while others must use alternatives. Plastic bags in the fruit and vegetable sections have completely disappeared and are no longer provided, even if customers are willing to pay for them.

The next round of bans on single-use plastic products will be implemented by mid-2025, when New Zealand will prohibit the use of all polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene food and beverage packaging.

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