Hebei Mountain Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Bozeman's Plastic Ban Initiative Moves to November Ballot


BOZEMAN, Mont. — In November, Bozeman voters will decide on a proposed ban on single-use plastic bags and polystyrene foam packaging. After some initial uncertainty, the initiative will now appear on the ballot thanks to efforts from local advocacy groups, including the Valley of the Flowers Project and Gallatin Valley Beyond Plastics.

The groups collected over 10,000 signatures, but only about 7,000 were verified, falling short of the 25% threshold required in a special election year. However, the 15% threshold used during general elections was met, prompting supporters to push for the initiative to be included on the ballot.

Despite legal concerns, Bozeman Mayor Terry Cunningham and other city officials agreed to move forward with the 15% requirement after a lawsuit was filed against the city attorney and the Gallatin County clerk and recorder. This decision ensures the initiative will be on the November ballot, avoiding costly reprinting of ballots later on.

Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder Eric Semerad emphasized the importance of the decision, noting that delays in finalizing the ballot could have significant financial implications.

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