Hebei Mountain Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Vietnam's Ha Long Bay Battles Plastic Pollution Crisis


The article highlights the plastic pollution crisis in Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Vietnam. Over the past two months, a significant amount of trash, including styrofoam buoys, plastic bottles, and beer cans, has been collected from the bay. The trash problem worsened when a scheme to replace styrofoam buoys with sustainable alternatives resulted in fishermen discarding the polystyrene into the sea. Authorities have launched a clean-up operation involving barges, boats, and a team of people to address the issue.

The rapid growth of Ha Long City and the increasing number of tourists visiting Ha Long Bay have severely damaged the ecosystem. Conservationists estimate that the bay's coral population has reduced by half, and although there have been signs of recovery in recent years, waste, both plastic and human, remains a major concern. The presence of residential areas near the bay contributes to domestic waste, which can impact the ecological system, including coral reefs. Ha Long City's wastewater treatment capacity is limited, handling just over 40 percent of its wastewater.

Efforts have been made to address the plastic pollution problem. Single-use plastic is banned on tourist boats, and general plastic use on board has decreased by 90 percent. However, trash generated onshore still affects the beach, and it remains visible to tourists. Vietnam's rapid economic growth, urbanization, and changing lifestyles have contributed to the plastic pollution crisis, with an estimated 3.1 million tonnes of plastic waste generated annually, of which at least 10 percent leaks into waterways. Vietnam is recognized as one of the top five plastic polluters of the world's oceans.

The article highlights the impact of the plastic pollution crisis on tourism. Visitors have expressed concerns about the floating trash in Ha Long Bay, affecting their willingness to swim, canoe, and recommend the destination to others. The trash problem has become one of the memorable aspects of tourists' experiences, overshadowing the natural beauty of the bay.

The article emphasizes the importance of addressing the plastic pollution crisis and the efforts required to restore and protect Ha Long Bay. The work of trash collectors like Vu Thi Thinh is crucial in mitigating the impacts of pollution, despite the challenges they face.

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