Hebei Mountain Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Mountian's Cultural Concept


The founder of Hebei Mutong Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. deeply adheres to the original intention of environmental protection. She has told us many times when she saw that the marine environment was polluted by plastic products, the marine life lost its original balance of the ecosystem, and the once beautiful habitat was destroyed. Will be extremely sad. Therefore, she is committed to the cause of environmental protection and has been deeply involved in this industry for many years. The cultural concepts of these companies also infect all employees.

  1.  Administratorsshould strive to be more educated, salesmen should learn more about technology,technicians should be more scientific, and scientists should become more globalminded.

2. To the youngpeople: see the world, see the future, and see your dreams.

3. Nothing isirrelevant, even the things that are invisible, for instance, oxygen andmicro-organisms, let your thoughts surpass mere observation.

4. Health is moreimportant than career, growth is more important than success, and excelling ismore important than pursuing.

5. Nature influencesscience and technology, science and technology affects nature.

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